Rats & Mice Control

Eliminate Pest Control Rat and Mice Control Adelaide Rat in Cage

Rat & Mice Control in Adelaide

Eliminate Pest & Termite Control have seen some big years for rat or mouse plagues in Adelaide. Weather and environmental factors can combine to see an increasing in breeding populations. There can also be a problem when food becomes scare and rats get more aggressive looking for food around humans.  

We use baits but you also need to take steps to find their nests, reduce access and eliminate food sources. We will also remove the dead rats and debris where we find them as many customers find the whole rat problem so unpleasant.



rats and mice

Rats & Mice Inspections

Rdents have developed various senses, skills and behaviours to help them survive and prosper living in our environment. The three types of rodents associated with people are often referred to as ‘commensal’ (literally share the tablé’ – one animal benefits from another with our harming or benefiting that animal) but a better description is “kleptoparasitic’ (parasitic on people by stealing resources).

  • Cryptobiotic (secretive) behaviour – active at night, prefer secluded, inaccessible areas to harbour, hoard food for lean times and quickly return to safe harbourages when disturbed.
  • Sight – poor beyond 1 metre. Very sensitive to motion up to 15 metres away. Colour-blind, see shades and shiny objects.
  • Taste – highly developed. Detect some chemicals ppm levels (consider when baiting and placing traps).
  • Smell – highly developed. Mark objects and runways with urine or secretions. Also important for interactions within the colony.
  • Hearing – highly developed. Can hear sounds up to 80kHz (sounds over 20kHz – limit for people – called ultrasonic).
  • Touch – highly developed. Rely heavily on sensitive body hairs (vibrissae) and longer bodyguard hairs when exploring and roaming their territory.
  • Kinesthetics – highly developed. Rodents memorize muscle movements to travel commonly used runways so that they can travel safely at great speed when disturbed.

Rats Can Get Anywhere – Some Athletic Facts

Rats can jump 1 metre (Mice 50 cm) vertically from a standing start.

Rodents can drop from 15 metres without injury. Norway rats can swim up to 750 metres in open water and tread water for up to 3 days. Mice can squeeze through a hole 5 mm in diameter, 12 mm for rats.


rats and mice